Working on this again

Hi there! I think I’ll trying devlogging for a bit with this. As so often in life, many things kept me from working on The Envoy but I’m back on track now, well, kinda, and I hope dropping some post here and there will give me a chance to reflect on the progress and the steps to come.

The main points on the technical side of things halting the project were making the switch to Godot 4 which finally got released earlier this year, combined with switching from GDScript to C#. It’s a bit funny changing to C# was mainly caused by the switch to a new Ink script interpreter (GodotInk), as the Ink system I was using when the work on The Envoy started was not available for Godot 4. Yeah, it’s complicated.

But anyway, in hindsight, switching to C# was the wisest decision I could make, coding but especially finding and fixing bugs turned from what was a chore sometimes to a pleasurable developing experience. C# support has gotten really good with Godot 4, support for VSCode is working like a charm (which hadn’t been the case a few years earlier when I tried), heck, debugging is much more convenient than in the Godot editor itself. And frankly, I would never touch a weakly typed language for game developing again.

So, that’s it for now. I’ll have a few exciting things to tell about the current state of the development!

Get The Envoy

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